The caterpillar and the inquisitive bug (a story)

One day a caterpillar met an inquisitive bug. The bug, who’d never seen a caterpillar before, asked ‘What sort of creature are you? What special powers do you have?’

The caterpillar reflected and said ‘Well, I’m good at crawling and I can eat a lot of leaves.’ This particular caterpillar was only thinking about its recent experience – what do I usually do? What have I done previously?

But we know that a caterpillar is capable of much, much more than just munching leaves.

We know that a caterpillar has the capacity to become a beautiful, gracious butterfly one day. Encoded in its DNA is the ability to metamorphose into something new and wonderful.

So don’t get too hung up on who or what you are today. This is just your most recent incarnation. Do spend time thinking about what can you become in the future. If I can do it – from a PhD in Medieval Studies to a project manager in banking – you can do it!


Deciding when to quit the academic job search, Part 2


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